Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Maybe there are extraterrestrials in other planets. I had seen some news about aliens. Some news reported there is UFO in the sky by some people seen.other news reported some people met alien in their room . I never believe the reports like that.
Whether UFO and aliens is real ly exist or all of the reports is fictional..But why some news reported UFO event. Since the news reported something about UFO or aliens, it must has some reasons. Maybe some reports is valid. According some real event to report. However , no one country acknowledges there are UFO and aliens in the world..Also no one scientist researchs out UFO and aliens are really exist.
I don't know wheever now or in the future people can see UFO or aliens by themselves. Maybe some alien thoeries will be proposed.

Monday, April 5, 2010

positive life

Like teacher's said ,do better and strive to enjoy and towaed positive life .
Yes, Life is it likes above. As long as to the positive ,it is a real life. Do some better things to switch your opinions what is negetive.Perhaps it is just in my mind ,not everyone's thought.
However,you will be a positive person as soon as you look onwards. Not many people will do better than their say. Maybe just try ,try to think ourselves's life is meaningful or not.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


It is the saddest thing in my life. At that time before i came to Malaysia .My grandfather was dead .Allah brought him to heaven.He got cerebral heamorrhage for 10 years until the day, he was faint in room.I remembered the day clearly. My grandfather went to heaven.So this is my saddest thing.

I always feel depressed .Sometime i am happy ,but some of times . Gloom,depression always surround my brain.Perhaps i thought too much, maybe i was perplexed by recollections because of i always recollected too much.

happiness and fun
The happiest experience is that the day we graduated. I remembered it vividly. We took photoes together and played games in classroom. We also signed self-name for each other in uniform.That is a funny and happy day. We graduated on that day and left many recollections.