Thursday, April 1, 2010


It is the saddest thing in my life. At that time before i came to Malaysia .My grandfather was dead .Allah brought him to heaven.He got cerebral heamorrhage for 10 years until the day, he was faint in room.I remembered the day clearly. My grandfather went to heaven.So this is my saddest thing.

I always feel depressed .Sometime i am happy ,but some of times . Gloom,depression always surround my brain.Perhaps i thought too much, maybe i was perplexed by recollections because of i always recollected too much.

happiness and fun
The happiest experience is that the day we graduated. I remembered it vividly. We took photoes together and played games in classroom. We also signed self-name for each other in uniform.That is a funny and happy day. We graduated on that day and left many recollections.


  1. happy things and sad things has became formerly ,think too much just let you more sad ,even though we forget formerly is very difficult. but future is more important .treasure recent friends ,they are also good ,you can share your sad and happy with them .no matter you will go and you are in ,just remember my heart is accompany you

  2. 1:your article is very successful.
    2:your article writing things is very good.
    3:your article is perfect.
    4:I think you should writing detail things.
    5:continue working hard.

  3. I like to read Bond's comment. He is so positive with life. So Chris, do cherish your life although there were many sad occurrences you have gone through. As Bond has said, the future is important. Learn from mistake, you will become a better person :)

    Jones asked you to write in details. It shows that he is interested in reading your blog, Chris! So, next time you write, you should write longer. Not only you will please Jones but you will also practice your English writing skill :)

    Mdm Nik

  4. tq teacher. i will do better
