Monday, May 3, 2010

Career plans and goals.

--How about your career plans and goals in the future?
1. Jack:
Firstly, i plan to study hard with my civil engineering . I will go to a foreign country and work overseas.
Besides, i am really want to be a professional civil engineer.
To be frank, i am eager to work in a fantastic workplace . For instance, i would like to work in an office of a big company.
Moreover, my goals is difficult to achieve .Including my childhood ideals , i want to be a manager in a big manufacturers. I am going to be a electronic engineer. That's all about my plans and goals.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Maybe there are extraterrestrials in other planets. I had seen some news about aliens. Some news reported there is UFO in the sky by some people seen.other news reported some people met alien in their room . I never believe the reports like that.
Whether UFO and aliens is real ly exist or all of the reports is fictional..But why some news reported UFO event. Since the news reported something about UFO or aliens, it must has some reasons. Maybe some reports is valid. According some real event to report. However , no one country acknowledges there are UFO and aliens in the world..Also no one scientist researchs out UFO and aliens are really exist.
I don't know wheever now or in the future people can see UFO or aliens by themselves. Maybe some alien thoeries will be proposed.

Monday, April 5, 2010

positive life

Like teacher's said ,do better and strive to enjoy and towaed positive life .
Yes, Life is it likes above. As long as to the positive ,it is a real life. Do some better things to switch your opinions what is negetive.Perhaps it is just in my mind ,not everyone's thought.
However,you will be a positive person as soon as you look onwards. Not many people will do better than their say. Maybe just try ,try to think ourselves's life is meaningful or not.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


It is the saddest thing in my life. At that time before i came to Malaysia .My grandfather was dead .Allah brought him to heaven.He got cerebral heamorrhage for 10 years until the day, he was faint in room.I remembered the day clearly. My grandfather went to heaven.So this is my saddest thing.

I always feel depressed .Sometime i am happy ,but some of times . Gloom,depression always surround my brain.Perhaps i thought too much, maybe i was perplexed by recollections because of i always recollected too much.

happiness and fun
The happiest experience is that the day we graduated. I remembered it vividly. We took photoes together and played games in classroom. We also signed self-name for each other in uniform.That is a funny and happy day. We graduated on that day and left many recollections.

Friday, March 26, 2010

SummarizeThe Main Idear From The New

Chinese man gets death for killing snoring student

BEIJING (AP): A Chinese university student who stabbed his sleeping roommate to death because he snored too much was given a suspended death sentence, state media reported Friday.

The court in Changchun, capital of northeast Jilin province, handed down the sentence to 24-year-old Guo Liwei who confessed to stabbing his roommate to death in November, the official Xinhua News Agency said Friday.

A suspended death sentence is usually changed to life in prison after two years, if the person shows good behavior.

Guo confessed to stabbing Zhao Yan, 23, in the chest and back in their room at Jilin Agricultural University, Xinhua said.

Guo previously complained to Zhao about his snoring and posted video of him snoring on a university Web site, which created more tension between the two, the report said.

Guo was also ordered to pay the victim's family 270,000 yuan ($40,000) by the Changchun Intermediate People's Court. Calls to the court rang unanswered Friday.

Violent crime has been on the rise in China, especially as the country's rapid economic development has created a growing rich-poor gap.

The main idear:
In november 2009, guo liwei stabbed his roommate to death.
The one of reason is Guo posted video of Zhao snoring on a university web site.
Another reason is Guo complained to Zhao and created more tension between them.
So Guo stabbed Zhao to death.
The new also tells us violent crime has been on the rise in China, especially as the country's rapid economic development has created a growing rich-poor gap.

1. He usually complains the temperature of Malaysia ,because he feels hot.(complain)
2.If you confess to me, absolutely i will forgive you .(confess)
3.The activity has been suspended ,because it is rainning heavy.(suspend)
4.The needle stabbed his leg. He yelled loudly.(stab)
5.I feel the tension in the room as i waited for my exam results.(tension)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

no moods

I don't know why i had not moods to write my blog..Coz more stresses on my shoulder .Although so , i also did not do some things what i should do.
I don't know the reason.Probably i met some troubles.And maybe i have no moods on my feeling. Why only me ..?
Why i feel no real friends in my heart. Perhaps it is experience in my mind. i don't believe real emotions. In my mind ,i just surpose my family love me.Others is not really received by me.
How to say. How to describe. How to write . sorry to write a confused post....

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

orange peel

I don't know why i named my blog is orange peel . maybe i love this name .in other hand i never forget this name's meaning . so i just want my blog is named orange peel when i first use it.
How to describe my mood now. maybe i should not to think former emotion.
Her birthday is coming ,i never forget that day when is her birthday. formerly, i gave me a name that was ORANGE PEEL. Becouse you,i unawares got a new name. I know, you know ,the meaning is . maybe just you and me ,we know.. Nowadays , only me.
Afterwards , this name may be my another nickname. i know you like eating oranges. Of cause i liked oranges , but cause you, i was from like to dislike..i dislike eat oranges now. because i am afraid to miss you so that influence my mood .
I really want to be a man that without emotion on love..but i can not.
In one sence ,i really fail.. i can not break my mind . i can not avoid former emotion.
i just a well-wisher, i just bless you in my heart. happy birthday to you!
your eternal orange peel.