Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Foods,Foods,Foods......i'm crazy...

~~~~Eat vegetables and cheese together, i choose cream cheese whit vegetables. It is very good for people's teeth.
~~~~Brown sugar is better than white sugar..Brown sugar actually has more calories than white sugar.
and the nutrition value ,brown sugar is better..
~~~~The pros and cons of organic foods.. The pros:
Organic foods may have higher nutritional value.
The cons: It is more expensive and you have less of a variety to choose from. Stores like Wegamans have a variety of organic food though.
~~~~The nutritional value of tofu... Tofu soybeans contain a substance called saponins, it can prevent atherosclerosis, but also promote excretion of iodine in the human body. The long-term over-eating tofu can easily lead to a lack of iodine, iodine deficiency disorders occur.tofu highly nutritious, high-salt, low fat, low calorie, its rich in protein help strengthen physical fitness and increase satiety, suitable for vegetarians and simple obesity consumption; can reduce the the concentration of lead in human blood; tofu contains a large number of female hormones, can also help women stuck his bottom and overcome menopausal symptoms.
~~~~Food additives...It contains vanilla ,vegetables carbon,colourings,flavours,and so on..so many food additives ,so i can not list it one by one.

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